The Pannonian dialect group (panonska narečna skupina), or northeastern dialect group, is a group of closely related dialects of Slovene. The Pannonian dialects are spoken in northeastern Slovenia (Prekmurje, in the eastern areas of Slovenian Styria), and among the Hungarian Slovenes.[1]
Group of dialects of Slovene
Phonological and morphological characteristics
Among other features, this group is characterized by loss of pitch accent, non-lengthened short syllables, and a new acute on short syllables.[2]
According to some researchers, the Prekmurje dialect is a regional literary language because it has a standardized grammar, a long history of separated development and a large number of written sources.[4] However, this view is disputed.[5]
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2019-2024 - проект по пересортировке и дополнению контента Википедии