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Richard F. Strand is a linguist and anthropological researcher who is best known for his research into Nuristani languages[1] and other little-known languages of Afghanistan and neighboring areas of Pakistan.

He was trained at Cornell University. He has published material on the linguistics and ethnography of Nuristan and neighboring regions, collected and analyzed since 1967. Funding for his field research in Nuristan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan was provided in part by the following institutions: the Fulbright Foundation (1991–92), the Smithsonian Institution (1980, 1984–85), The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (1972), Brown University (1971), Cornell University (1966–69, 1970), and Teachers College, Columbia University (1967–69).


  1. Maggi, Wynne R (November 2001). Our Women are Free: Gender and Ethnicity in the Hindukush (New ed.). University of Michigan Press. pp. 296. ISBN 0472067834.

На других языках

- [en] Richard Strand

[ru] Стрэнд, Ричард

Ричард Стрэнд (англ. Richard F. Strand) — лингвист и антрополог, известный своими исследованиями нуристанских и других малоизвестных языков Афганистана и прилегающих районов Пакистана.

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