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John D. Bengtson (born 1948) is an American historical and anthropological linguist.[1] He is past president and currently vice-president of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory, and has served as editor (or co-editor) of the journal Mother Tongue (1996–2003, 2007–present).[2] Since 2001 he has been a member/researcher of Evolution of Human Languages,[3] an international project on the linguistic prehistory of humanity coordinated by the Santa Fe Institute. His areas of specialization include Scandinavian languages and linguistics, Indo-European linguistics, Dené–Caucasian (Sino-Caucasian) languages, and paleolinguistics (the study of human prehistory through linguistic evidence).[4]

John Bengtson
Academic background
Academic work
Main interestsHistorical linguistics



  1. "John D Bengtson | Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory -".
  2. "Membership & Subscriptions".
  3. "Evolution of Human Languages".
  4. "Home".

На других языках

- [en] John Bengtson

[ru] Бенгтсон, Джон

Джон Д. Бе́нгтсон (англ. John D. Bengtson; 1957 (1957)) — специалист по исторической и антропологической лингвистике. Ранее — президент, ныне — вице-президент Ассоциации по изучению доисторических языков (Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory). Был редактором журнала Mother Tongue (1996—2003).

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