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Army Slavic (German: Armee-Slawisch) was a rump vocabulary consisting of about eighty key words, mostly of Czech origin. It was developed to help overcome language barriers in Austria-Hungary and was in use until the end of World War I.

Army Slavic
Created byAustro-Hungarian Army
Setting and usageMilitary communication
Eraafter 1867  1918
select vocabulary
Language codes
ISO 639-3
The extent of Slavic people in Austria-Hungary (1910)
  Other ethnicities

Part of the reason for the existence of this specialized vocabulary was the fact that, while German and Hungarian were official languages, half of the soldiery was recruited from areas that spoke various Slavic languages. In all, there were eleven different official languages to contend with. While efforts were made to keep soldiers grouped by language, mixed language units still occurred.


See also

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