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The Kono language (Kɔnɔ) is a language spoken in Sierra Leone by the Kono people. The Kono District is situated in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone and contains 14 chiefdoms, each headed by a Paramount Chief. The language varies slightly between chiefdoms.

Native toSierra Leone
EthnicityKono people
Native speakers
210,000 (2006)[1]
Language family
  • Western Mande
    • Central
      • Manding–Jogo
        • Manding–Vai
          • Vai–Kono
            • Kɔnɔ
Language codes
ISO 639-3kno


  1. Kɔnɔ at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) (subscription required)

На других языках

[de] Kono (Sprache)

Kono (Eigenbezeichnung Kɔnɔ) ist eine Sprache, die in Sierra Leone vom Volk der Kono gesprochen wird. 2015 gab es knapp 307.000 Muttersprachler.[1]
- [en] Kono language (Sierra Leone)

[fr] Kono (langue de Sierra Leone)

Le kono est une langue mandée parlée en Sierra Leone; à ne pas confondre avec le kono parlé au sud est de la Guinée.

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