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The Umpaku dialect (雲伯方言, Unpaku hōgen) is a group of Japanese dialects spoken in central San'in. The name Unpaku (雲伯) is constructed by extracting a representative kanji from Izumo (出) and Hōki (耆), the names of former provinces of this region.

An example of Izumo dialect being spoken, 2015
Umpaku Japanese
Native toJapan
Regioneastern San'in
Language family
  • Japanese
    • Western Japanese
      • Umpaku Japanese
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Umpaku-dialect area

The Umpaku dialects are:


Umpaku dialect, especially Izumo-ben, uniquely among dialects in the Chūgoku region, superficially resembles Tōhoku dialects in pronunciation and is thus also called Zūzū-ben. It has neutralization of the high vowels "i" and "u".


Voiceless vowel sounds are common in most western Japanese accents and this is no different in Izumo where they are commonly heard. In Izumo and western Hoki, just like the Tohoku dialects "i" and "u" sounds are centralized. "i" is commonly pronounced [ï] and "u" [ɯ̈].


The dropping of "r" sounds

In Izumo and western Hoki dialects, "r" sounds are often dropped and replaced with an elongation of the previous vowel. e.g. dare > daa "who", arimasu > aamasu "there is". In particular this often happens to "ri" and "ru" sounds which are almost all replaced by this elongated sound. In some areas, shiroi "white" becomes shie and akeru "to open" becomes akyae. In Oki, these sounds are also replaced by sokuon such as sono tsumodda (sono tsumori da).

Remnants of archaic sounds

kwa, gwa
The retention of /w/ in these syllables, prominent in Unpaku dialect, is non-standard in modern Japanese.
f instead of h
In the Heian period, all of the "h" row of sounds were pronounced with an "f" sound [ɸ] rather than with a "h" i.e. fa, fi, fu, fe, fo. Izumo still keeps this pronunciation. For example: fashi [ɸasï] = hashi "chopsticks", febi [ɸebï] = hebi "snake"
se, ze
In pronunciation "se" becomes "she" and "ze" becomes "je".

Pitch Accent




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