- AlphabetThe braille alphabet used for the Kyrgyz language is based on Russian Braille, with a few additional letters found in the print Kyrgyz alphabet.
Braille alphabet of the Kyrgyz language
Kyrgyz Braille uses the entire Russian Braille alphabet, though some letters are only found in loans and in addition has the letters ң, ө, ү.
Print | а a | б b | в v | г g | д d | е ye | ё yo | ж j | з z | и i[1] | й y | к k |
Braille | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Print | л l | м m | н n | ң ng | о o | ө ö | п p | р r | с s | т t | у u | ү ü |
Braille | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Print | ф f | х kh | ц ts | ч ch | ш sh | щ shch | ъ ” | ы ı | ь ’ | э e | ю yu | я ya |
Braille | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Although the non-Russian letters ң, ө, ү are found in many other Cyrillic alphabets, their braille assignments are unrelated to those or with international norms.[2] Compare the ң, ө, ү of Kazakh Braille, for example.
The question mark differs from Russian Braille.
Single punctuation:
Print |
, | . | ? | ! | ; | : | - |
Braille |
Paired punctuation:
Print |
« ...... » |
( ...... ) |
Braille |
See also
- Unesco (2013) has an apparent copy error for ⠊ и, ⠒, which duplicates the Kyrgyz Braille colon.
- Though perhaps just coincidence, the letter ү may be an exception, as it somewhat resembles a Latin v and is written as a v in braille.
Braille cell |
- 1829 braille
- International uniformity
- ASCII braille
- Unicode braille patterns
Braille scripts | French-ordered | Nordic family | |
Russian lineage family i.e. Cyrillic-mediated scripts | |
Egyptian lineage family i.e. Arabic-mediated scripts | |
Indian lineage family i.e. Bharati Braille | |
Other scripts | |
Reordered | |
Frequency-based | |
Independent | |
Eight-dot | |
Symbols in braille |
- Braille music
- Canadian currency marks
- Computer Braille Code
- Gardner–Salinas braille codes (science; GS8/GS6)
- International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
- Nemeth braille code
Braille technology |
- Braille e-book
- Braille embosser
- Braille translator
- Braille watch
- Mountbatten Brailler
- Optical braille recognition
- Perforation
- Perkins Brailler
- Refreshable braille display
- Slate and stylus
- Braigo
People |
- Louis Braille
- Charles Barbier
- Valentin Haüy
- Thakur Vishva Narain Singh
- Sabriye Tenberken
- William Bell Wait
Organisations |
- Braille Institute of America
- Braille Without Borders
- Japan Braille Library
- National Braille Association
- Blindness organizations
- Schools for the blind
- American Printing House for the Blind
Other tactile alphabets | |
Related topics |
- Accessible publishing
- Braille literacy
- RoboBraille
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