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Bangala or Mɔnɔkɔ na bangála is a Bantu language spoken in the northeast corner of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was once spoken in South Sudan and some speakers are still found in the extreme western part of Uganda (e.g., Arua, Koboko). A sister language of Lingala, it is used as a lingua franca by people with different languages and rarely as a first language. The estimated number of speakers varies between 1.5 and 2.5 million or slightly more.[3] It is spoken to the east and northeast of the area where Lingala is spoken. In Lingala, Bangala translates to "People of Mongala". This means people living along the Mongala River. Across Bas-Uele Province, Bangala speakers have to a great extent adopted Lingala.

Native toDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo
RegionHaut-Uele District
Native speakers
(undated figure of "few")[1]
3.5 million L2 speakers (1991)
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3bxg


As Lingala spread east and north, its vocabulary was replaced more and more by local languages, and it became more of an interlanguage (a language that is a mix of two or more languages) and was classified as a separate language – Bangala. The vocabulary varies, depending on the first language of the speakers.

Around the 1980s, with the popularity and increased availability of Lingala in modern music, young people in large villages and towns began adopting Lingala so much that their Bangala is becoming more of a dialect than a separate language.[4]


In Bangala, the words for six and seven (motoba, sambo) are replaced with the Swahili words sita and saba. Many Lingala words are replaced by words in Swahili, Zande, other local languages, plus English (bilizi is derived from the English word bridge) and, of course, French.

The verb "to be" is conjugated differently in Bangala. Below is a comparison with Lingala.

I amnazalingái azí (=ng'azí)
you are (singular)ozaliyó azí (y'ozí)
he/she isazali(yé) azí
it isezali(angó) azí
we aretozaliɓísú azí, sometimes: tazí, less often tozí
you are (plural)bozaliɓínú azí
they arebazaliɓu azí, sometimes: ɓazí

The verb prefix ko-, meaning "to" in Lingala is instead ku, as it is in Swahili, so "to be" in Bangala is kusara, not kosala. Many other Bangala words have an /u/ sound where Lingala has an /o/ sound, such as ɓisu (not biso - "we") and mutu (not moto - "person").


Several old missionary sketches exist, most of them from the late 19th and early 20th century, e.g., Wtterwulghe (1899), MacKenzie (1910), Heart of Africa Mission (1916), van Mol (1927). However, Bangala as described in these concise overview sketches has changed over the past one hundred years, due to language contact with Ubangian languages and Nilo-Saharan languages of northeastern DR Congo. Currently, researchers from Ghent University, JGU Mainz and Goethe-Universität Frankfurt are working on a grammatical description of the language.


  1. Bangala at Ethnologue (15th ed., 2005)
  2. Jouni Filip Maho, 2009. New Updated Guthrie List Online
  3. Bangala - A language of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  4. Bangala - A language of the Democratic Republic of Congo

На других языках

[de] Bangala (Sprache)

Bangala oder Ngala ist eine Bantusprache, welche im nordöstlichen Teil des Kongo, im Süden des Sudan, und im äußersten Westen Ugandas gesprochen wird.
- [en] Bangala language

[es] Idioma bangala

Bangala es una lengua bantú hablada en la esquina noreste de la República Democrática del Congo, Sudán del Sur y la parte occidental extrema de Uganda. Una forma divergente de Lingala, se usa como lingua franca por personas con diferentes idiomas y rara vez como primer idioma. El número estimado de hablantes varía entre 2 y 3,5 millones.[1] Se habla al este y noreste del área donde se habla lingala. En lingala, Bangala se traduce como "Gente de Mongala", esto significa personas que viven a lo largo del río Mongala

[fr] Bangala

Le bangala est une langue bantoue parlée au nord-est de la République démocratique du Congo, au Soudan du Sud, et à l'extrême ouest de l'Ouganda.

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