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Holma (also known as Da Holmaci, Bali Holma) is an extinct Afro-Asiatic language formerly spoken in Nigeria in Adamawa State. Speakers switched to Fulfulde.[1]

Native toNigeria
RegionAdamawa State
Extinct(4 speakers in 1987)[1]
Language family
  • Chadic
    • Biu–Mandara
      • Bata (A.8)
        • Holma
Language codes
ISO 639-3hod

Holma people were believed to be Yemenite origin. Their forefathers was said to have migrated from Yemen around 110 of Hijrah corresponding to 728 Gregorian.The Yemenites in pursuit to spread Islam, after having been highly attended to by the prophet of Islam, sending his companions to teach them even without him stepping his foot in the land,they felt the urge to expand the knowledge and Faith to other lands especially in Africa. These Yemenis, some of whom have intermarried with some of those companions of the prophet, moving from one region to another, reached northern Nigeria on Islamic evangelism, reaching to a region that is now called Adamawa and settled in its provinces.

Later, after the demise of the evangelical forefathers of Holma, generations returned to non-Islamic practices of idolatry and other atrocities until the emergence of Usman Dan Fodio and his Jihad (strive). At around the 1754-1817, the founder of Sokoto caliphate Usman Dan Fodio launched his Jihad (strive) to establish Islamic empire through preaching and fighting wars. At the realisation of that move,Leaders of Holma people made a consensus to reclaim their lost Faith from the Islamic evangelist Dan Fodio, without fighting wars. Holma leaders sent to Dan Fodio announcing their allegiance and support. At that, Dan Fodio commented "Holma én hòlabe" noting that (Holmans are worth trust). With that, Holma people were not fought and none was enslaved.

After sometime, the Holma leaders sensed that some members were keeping to the pagan traditions associated with Holma language and worship of idols. As a remedy, the leaders threatened that "anyone who keeps a pagan tradition and the language of the idols, after accepting Islam, will die because the gods are angry". For that reason, Holma people sacrificed both the language and the traditions of the idols, in order to keep their Islamic faith and their allegiance with Usman Dan Fodio.


  1. Holma at Ethnologue (15th ed., 2005)

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