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Mator or Motor was a Uralic language belonging to the group of Samoyedic languages, extinct since the 1840s. It was spoken in the northern region of the Sayan Mountains in Siberia, close to the Mongolian north border. The speakers of Mator lived in a wide area from the eastern parts of the Minusinsk District (okrug) along the Yenisei River to the region of Lake Baikal. Three dialects of Mator were recorded: Mator proper as well as Taygi and Karagas (occasionally portrayed as separate languages, but their differences are few). Mator was influenced by Mongolic, Tungusic and Turkic languages before it went extinct, and may have even been possibly influenced by the Iranic languages.[1]

Native toRussia
Language family
  • Samoyedic
    • Mator
  • Mator
  • Taygi
  • Karagas
Language codes
ISO 639-3mtm
Linguist List

Today the term "Mator people" is simply an alternate name of the Koibal, one of the five territorial sub-division groups of the Khakas. (Note that the name "Koibal" likewise derives from the related Samoyedic Koibal language.)

Mator has been frequently grouped together with Selkup and Kamassian as "South Samoyedic". This is however a grouping by geographical area, and not considered to constitute an actual sub-branch of the Samoyedic languages.

Example of words in Mator[1]


На других языках

[de] Matorische Sprache

Die matorische Sprache ist eine der samojedischen Sprachen. Diese bilden gemeinsam mit den finno-ugrischen Sprachen die uralische Sprachfamilie.
- [en] Mator language

[fr] Mator

Le mator (ou mator-taigi-karagas) est une langue samoyède de la famille des langues ouraliennes. La langue était parlée au Sud de Krasnoïarsk, dans le kraï actuel du même nom, ainsi que dans le Nord du Touva et dans l'Est de l'oblast d'Irkoutsk[1].

[it] Lingua mator

La lingua mator o motor[1][2] era una lingua samoieda parlata in Russia nella zona dei Monti Saiani.

[ru] Маторский язык

Маторский язык — вымерший уральский язык, принадлежавший, наряду с камасинским и селькупским языками, к южной группе самодийских языков. Носителями маторского языка были моторы, которые проживали в северной части Саянских гор, ближе к северной границе Монголии. Говорящие на маторском языке населяли обширную территорию от района Минусинска вдоль Енисея по озеро Байкал.

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