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Limbum is a Grassfields language of Cameroon, with a small number of speakers in Nigeria. It is used as a trade language by some, but is primarily the mother tongue of the Wimbum people, who live in Donga-Mantung division of the Northwest Region, at the top of the Ring Road.

Native speakers
130,000 (2005)[1]
Language family
  • Atlantic–Congo
    • Benue–Congo
      • Southern Bantoid
        • Grassfields
          • Eastern
            • Nkambe
              • Limbum
Language codes
ISO 639-3lmp


Traditional dance of Wimbum, around 1990 in dry season Nkambe-town
Traditional dance of Wimbum, around 1990 in dry season Nkambe-town

The Wimbum consist of three clans: War clan headquartered at Mbot, Tang clan at Tallah, and Wiya clan at Ndu.[3] Scattered around the area are other Wimbum villages, each associated with one of the three clans. Each village has a chief, also known as fon, who is largely autonomous, and beneath him sub-chiefs or quarter-heads.[4] The three clans are geographically interspersed, sharing the language.[3] The people live on the Nkambe Plateau, a dramatic grassy highland cut by wooded ravines, about a mile above sea level.[5] Most are farmers, growing maize, beans, potatoes, yams, vegetable, tomatoes, bananas, and also plantains and coffee in lower, warmer areas.[6][7] Some conduct trade, primarily in the towns of Nkambé and Ndu. Some work for the government, primarily in Nkambe.

Some linguists consider Limbum to have three dialects: a northern, a middle, and a southern dialect. Speakers of one dialect can generally understand speakers of any other. The three dialects cut across the three clans, and may result from influence of the neighboring languages to the north and south.[8] Limbum is closely related to some neighboring languages like Yamba and more geographically distant ones like Bamum, Ngemba and Bamileke. It is quite different from some other neighboring languages like Bebe and Noni.[9]


Limbum's grammar is similar to English in some ways, including:

But Limbum differs from English in other ways. Here are a few:

Sample vocabulary

ŋwɛ᷅ - personfa - giveŋgʉp - fowlboŋ - good
njeŋwɛ᷅ - womanye - eatnyaa - meatboŋboŋ - very good
muu - childlaa᷅ - saykwaa᷅ - cornbɛbɛp - bad
ŋkar - friendfa᷅' - worknda᷅p - housebaa - two
ma - motherko᷅ŋ - like or lovetap - huttaar - three
ta - fatheryɛ - seeafyoŋ - airplanetâ - five
e - he or shesaŋ - writeŋwa᷅' - letter[19]


  1. Limbum at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) (subscription required)
  2. Blench, Roger (2019). An Atlas of Nigerian Languages (4th ed.). Cambridge: Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.
  3. Pool, p. 33.
  4. Kifon, p. 2-3.
  5. Pool, p. 32.
  6. Ndu.
  7. Nkambe.
  8. Fiore, p. 2.
  9. Nkwi, p. 149.
  10. Nforgwei, p. 252.
  11. Ndi, p. 10 and 65. In the transcriptions of Limbum on this page, I have followed the Ndis' spellings as best I can.
  12. Nforgwei, p. 157-158.
  13. Fiore, p. 78.
  14. Wepngong, p. 6.
  15. Nformi, p. 46-47
  16. Nforgwei, p. 255.
  17. Nforgwei, p. 259-260.
  18. Nformi, p. 58-62
  19. Ndi, throughout.


На других языках

[de] Limbum

Das Limbum ist eine Graslandsprache des Kamerun, mit einer kleinen Zahl von Sprechern in Nigeria.
- [en] Limbum language

[fr] Limbum

Le limbum (ou bojiin, limbom, llimbumi, ndzungle, ndzungli, njungene, nsungali, nsungli, nsungni, wimbum) est une langue des Grassfields parlée au nord-ouest du Cameroun dans le département du Donga-Mantung, l'arrondissement de Nkambé, autour de Nkambé et Ndu[1].

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