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Chiac (or Chiak, Chi’aq), is a Creole variety of Acadian French spoken mostly in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada.[1][2][3] Chiac is often characterized and distinguished from other forms of Acadian French by its borrowings from English, it also has root words from the Eastern Algonquian languages. The word "Chiac" can also sometimes be used to describe an ethnic Acadian of rural southeastern New Brunswick.

Native toCanada
RegionAcadian communities throughout the Maritime provinces, mainly in coastal southeastern New-Brunswick
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Two people speaking with a chiac accent.


Chiac originated in the community of specific ethnic Acadians, known as "Chiacs or Chiaks",[4] living on the rural southeast coast of New Brunswick. Chiac (or Chiak) is one of the varieties of the Acadian-French language, which includes some root words from the Miꞌkmaq/Micmac language (Algonquian languages),[4] and also includes some words borrowed from the surrounding English.

While some believe that Chiac dates back as far as the 17th or 18th century, others believe it developed in the 20th century, in reaction to the dominance of English-language media in Canada, the lack of French-language primary and secondary education, the increased urbanization of Moncton, and contact with the dominant Anglophone community in the area. The origin of the word "Chiac" is not known; some speculate that it is an alteration of "Shediac" or "Es-ed-ei-ik".

In the arts

Acadian writers, poets and musicians such as Lisa LeBlanc, Radio Radio,[5][6][7] France Daigle, Fayo,[8][9] Cayouche, Les Hay Babies, 1755 and many others have produced works in Chiac.

Chiac is also featured in Acadieman, a comedy about "The world's first Acadian Superhero" by Dano Leblanc.[10]

See also


  1. "Chiac". Sang Mêlé. Retrieved 2022-03-23.
  2. "Chiac | The Canadian Encyclopedia". Retrieved 2021-06-15.
  3. "Chiac". Sang Mêlé. Retrieved 2022-07-17.
  4. Dorion, Leah; Préfontaine, Darren R.; Barkwell, Lawrence J. (1999). "VI: Métis Culture and Language". Resources for Métis Researchers (PDF). Gabriel Dumont Institute and The Louis Riel Institute. p. 14. Chiac, the little-known mixed Algonquian-Acadian French language of the Metis people in Maritime Canada bears a remarkable similarity in syntax to Michif
  5. Radio Radio: Comment ça va?, retrieved 2022-03-17
  6. Radio Radio - Vuca Vuca (audio), retrieved 2022-03-17
  7. Su la 101 (feat. Denzel Subban), retrieved 2022-09-02
  8. Fayo: Trample bam, retrieved 2022-03-17
  9. Laberge, Corinne (2007-06-28). "Le monde de Fayo". Retrieved 2007-08-09.
  10. "C'est la vie". C'est la vie. 2006-12-08.

Further reading

  1. Dorion, Leah; Préfontaine, Darren R.; Barkwell, Lawrence J. (1999). "VI: Métis Culture and Language". Resources for Métis Researchers (PDF). Gabriel Dumont Institute and The Louis Riel Institute. p. 14. Chiac, the little-known mixed Algonquian-Acadian French language of the Metis people in Maritime Canada bears a remarkable similarity in syntax to Michif

На других языках

- [en] Chiac

[fr] Chiac

Le chiac, parfois appelé le/la chiacque ou chiak, est une variété du français acadien, parlée surtout au Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick au Canada[1],[2]. Bien que des débats existent au sujet de sa définition, le chiac est souvent caractérisé et distingué des autres variétés du français acadien par l'importance et les formes particulières de ses emprunts à l'anglais[1],[3],[4]. Un Chiac, ou Chiacque au féminin, est aussi un Acadien de la côte sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick[5].

[ru] Шиак

Шиак (фр. Chiac, также Chiaque) — своеобразный французский жаргон-социолект, сформировавшийся во франкоакадской среде на территории бывшей французской колонии в Северной Америке, известной как Акадия (современные провинции Нью-Брансуик и Новая Шотландия). Шиак — контактный язык смешанного типа. Его синтаксис и грамматика в основном французские, а лексика содержит многочисленные англицизмы и американизмы. По своему происхождению шиак во многом напоминает формирование другого социолекта французского языка в Канаде, известного под названием жуаль, который был распространён среди франкоканадского пролетариата в Монреале 19 — начала 20 веков. С развитием полноценного, многоступенчатого образования на французском языке со второй половины XX века, шиак начал постепенно угасать.

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