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Savoyard is an Arpitan language of the Franco-Provençal family. It is spoken in some territories of the historical Duchy of Savoy, nowadays a geographic area spanning Savoie and Haute-Savoie, France and the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It has around 35,000 speakers today.

Native toFrance
Native speakers
Language family
  • Italic
    • Romance
      • Western
        • Gallo-Romance
          • Arpitan
            • Savoyard
Writing system
Official status
Official language in
Franco-Provençal protected by statute in Italy[2]
Regulated byInstitut de la langue savoyarde
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Some words

Several subdialects of Savoyard exist that exhibit unique features in terms of phonetics and vocabulary. This includes many words that have to do with the weather: bacan (French: temps mauvais); coussie (French: tempête); royé (French: averse); ni[v]ole (French: nuage); ...and, the environment: clapia, perrier (French: éboulis); égra (French: sorte d'escalier de pierre); balme (French: grotte); tova (French: tourbière); and lanche (French: champ en pente).

Linguistic studies

Savoyard has been the subject of detailed study at the Centre de dialectologie of the Stendhal University, Grenoble, currently under the direction of Michel Contini.

See also



  1. Le francoprovençal, langue oubliée, Gaston Tuaillon in Vingt-cinq communautés linguistiques de la France, tome 1, p.204, Geneviève Vernes, éditions L’Harmattan.
  2. Norme in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche, Italian parliament

На других языках

- [en] Savoyard dialect

[fr] Savoyard (langue)

Le savoyard (savoyâ ou savoyârd [sa.vɔ.ˈjaː]) est le nom donné aux dialectes de la langue francoprovençale (ou arpitane) parlés en Savoie (Savouè). Il s'agissait de la variante francoprovençale la plus parlée en France, avec un nombre de locuteurs estimé à 35 000 personnes en 1988. Selon plusieurs sondages, la proportion de la population savoyarde parlant cette langue était en 2001 de 7 %[5], dont seulement 2 % des savoyards l'utilisaient quotidiennement, majoritairement dans les milieux ruraux[6].

[it] Dialetto savoiardo

Il savoiardo (chiamato Savoyârd in arpitano) è un dialetto della lingua arpitana, conosciuta anche come franco-provenzale.

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