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Amahuaca is an indigenous language of the Amazon Basin in Perú and Brazil. It is also known as Amawaka, Amaguaco, Ameuhaque, Ipitineri, and Sayaco. Amahuaca is a Panoan language that is believed to be closely related to Cashinahua and Yaminawa.[2] There around 220 speakers in Brazil, and around 328 speakers in Peru.[1][3]

Native toPerú, Brazil
Native speakers
(310 cited 1995–2000)[1]
Language family
  • Mainline
    • Nawa group
      • Headwaters subgroup
        • Amahuaca
Language codes
ISO 639-3amc

30% of Amahuaca speakers are literate in Amahuaca and 50% are literate in Spanish. Amahuaca uses a Latin-based script. There are some bilingual schools. A dictionary has been developed along with a grammatical description and bible portions.[1]


Vowels of Amahuaca[4]
Closeĩ iɨ̃ ɨ
Close-mido õ
Openã a
Consonants of Amahuaca[4]
Bilabial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Labial–velar Glottal
Plosive p t k ʔ
Nasal m n
Sibilant affricate ts t̠ʃ
Sibilant fricative s ʃ
Non-sibilant fricative x h
Approximant j w
Tap/flap ɾ

See also


  1. Amahuaca at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) (subscription required)
  2. Fleck, David. 2013. Panoan Languages and Linguistics, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History #99
  3. Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática. 2017. Censos Nacionales 2017: XII de población, VII de vivienda y III de comunidades indígenas. Accessed: 2019-02-01
  4. "Inventory Amahuaca (SAPHON 1998)". Retrieved 29 May 2022.

На других языках

- [en] Amawaka language

[es] Idioma amahuaca

El amahuaca, conocido también como Yora, es una lengua de la familia pano, caracterizada por su ergatividad como rasgo tipológico principal y la ocurrencia del verbo al final de la oración, como rasgo morfosintáctico notable. Su inventario fonológico se corresponde íntegramente con el de toda la familia pano; emplea 26 grafías y no hay rasgo específico que diferencia la lengua de sus filiantes.

[ru] Амавака

Амауака (амавака) — один из индейских языков Южной Америки. Относится к паноанской ветви пано-таканской семьи. Число носителей — около 330 человек[2], из них 110 человек — на востоке Перу, около 220 — в Бразилии, (по другим источникам, всего около 250 человек). Около 20 человек — монолингвы.

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