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The Senu River languages are a small language family spoken in the Senu River watershed of Papua New Guinea. They consist at least of the Kwomtari languages, Kwomtari and Nai, with several additional languages more distantly related to them.

Senu River
Senu River region, Papua New Guinea
Linguistic classificationOne of the world's primary language families
kwom1263  (Kwomtari–Nai)
The neighboring Kwomtari–Nai and Fas language families


The family consists of at least the two relatively closely related languages Kwomtari and Nai.

Baron (1983)

Baron adds the highly divergent language Guriaso:

Guriaso shares a small number of cognates with Kwomtari–Nai. Baron (1983) considers the evidence to be convincing when a correspondence between /ɾ~l/ and /n/ (from ) is established:

Verb suffixes
(1pl, 2pl, 3pl)
-nɔ, -mɛ, -no-ɾe, -mo, -ɾe*
dog mapmau
ear mətɛnufutɛne
crocodile mɔmənimaməle
small tɔkənotɔkweɾo
nose apədutipu**

* Compare Biaka -ɾo, -mo, -na.

** Metathesis of /p/ and /t/.

Usher (2020)

Usher further classifies Yale (Nagatman) with Guriaso, and adds Busa, all under the name "Senu River".[1]

Senu River (Kwomtari–Busa)

Confusion from Laycock

There has been confusion over the membership of the Kwomtari family, apparently due to a misalignment in the publication (Loving & Bass 1964) of the data used for the initial classification. (See Baron 1983.) Because of this, Laycock classified the Kwomtari languages as part of a spurious Kwomtari–Fas family, which confusingly was also often called "Kwomtari" in the literature. However, Baron sees no evidence that the similarities are due to relationship. Usher likewise discounts the inclusion of the Fas languages. See Kwomtari–Fas languages for details.


На других языках

- [en] Senu River languages

[fr] Langues kwomtari

Les langues kwomtari sont une famille de langues papoues parlées en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, dans la province de Sandaun.

[ru] Квомтарские языки

Квомтарские языки (квомтари; англ. Kwomtari languages) — небольшая семья папуасских языков, распространённая в Папуа — Новой Гвинее. Распространены в северной части центра острова Новая Гвинея в центре провинции Сандаун (бывший Западный Сепик), в округе Аманаб. Название происходит от языка квомтари, а тот назван по названию взлётной возле одноимённой деревни.

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