- LanguageTicuna–Yuri is a small family, perhaps even a dialect continuum, consisting of at least two, and perhaps three, known languages of South America: the major western Amazonian language Ticuna, the poorly attested and extinct Yurí, and the scarcely known language of the largely uncontacted Carabayo. Kaufman (2007: 68) also adds Munichi to the family.[1]
Proposed language family of western Amazon
Ticuna–Yuri |
Geographic distribution | western Amazon |
Linguistic classification | Duho (proposed) |
Subdivisions |
Glottolog | ticu1244 |
Kaufman (1990, 1994) argues that the connection between the two is convincing even with the limited information available. Carvalho (2009) presented "compelling" evidence for the family (Campbell 2012).[2]
Jolkesky (2016) notes that there are lexical similarities with the Andoke-Urekena, Arawak, Arutani, Máku, and Tukano language families due to contact.[3]
- Anderson, D. (1962). Conversational Ticuna. Yarinacocha: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
- Anderson, L. (1961). Vocabulario breve del idioma ticuna. Tradición, 8:53-68.
- de Alviano, F. (1944). Gramática, dictionário, verbos e frases e vocabulário prático da léngua dos índios ticunas. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional.
- Goulard, J.; Rodriguez Montes, M. E. (2013). Los yurí/juri-tikuna en el complejo socio-lingüístico del Noroeste Amazónico. LIAMES, 13:7-65.
- Montes Rodríguez, M. E. (2003). Morfosintaxis de la lengua Tikuna (Amazonía colombiana). (CESO-CCELA, Descripciones, 15). Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes.
- Kaufman, Terrence. 2007. South America. In: R. E. Asher and Christopher Moseley (eds.), Atlas of the World’s Languages (2nd edition), 59–94. London: Routledge.
- Campbell, Lyle (2012). "Classification of the indigenous languages of South America". In Grondona, Verónica; Campbell, Lyle (eds.). The Indigenous Languages of South America. The World of Linguistics. Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 59–166. ISBN 9783110255133.
- Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery (2016). Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais sul-americanas (Ph.D. dissertation) (2 ed.). Brasília: University of Brasília.
- Kaufman, Terrence (1990). "Language History in South America: What we know and how to know more". In David L. Payne (ed.). Amazonian Linguistics. Austin: University of Texas Press. pp. 13−74.
- Kaufman, Terrence (1994). "The native languages of South America". In Moseley, Christopher; R.E. Asher (eds.). Atlas of the world's languages. London: Routledge. pp. 46−76.
Primary language families |
Africa | |
Eurasia (Europe and Asia) | |
New Guinea and the Pacific | |
Australia | |
North America | |
Mesoamerica | |
South America | | Isolates (extant in 2000) | |
Sign languages | | Isolates |
- See list of sign languages
See also |
- Constructed languages
- Creoles
- Language isolates
- Mixed languages
- Pidgins
- Unclassified languages
- Families with question marks (?) are disputed or controversial.
- Families in italics have no living members.
- Families with more than 30 languages are in bold.
Indigenous language families and isolates of South America (based on Campbell 2012 classification) |
Language families and isolates | Je–Tupi–Carib |
Eastern Brazil | |
Orinoco (Venezuela) |
Andes (Colombia and Venezuela) | |
Amazon (Colombia, Japurá–Vaupés area) | |
Pacific coast (Colombia and Ecuador) | |
Pacific coast (Peru) | |
Amazon (Peru) | |
Amazon (west-central Brazil) | |
Mamoré–Guaporé | |
Andes (Peru, Bolivia, and Chile) | |
Chaco–Pampas | |
Far South (Chile) | |
Proposed groupings | |
Linguistic areas |
- Chaco
- Mamoré–Guaporé
- Amazonian
Countries |
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Colombia
- Chile
- Ecuador
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Venezuela
- Guyana
- Suriname
- French Guiana
Lists |
- Languages
- Extinct languages
- Unclassified languages
- Classification
- Linguistic areas
На других языках
- [en] Ticuna–Yuri languages
[ru] Тыкуна-юрийские языки
Тыкуна-юрийская семья (юри-тикунская) — языковое генетическое образование, предположительно включающее два изолированных языка Южной Америки — юри и тыкуна (тикуна). Оба распространены на стыке границ Бразилии, Колумбии и Перу в верховьях Амазонки и её притоков.
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