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Maiduan (also Maidun, Pujunan) is a small endangered language family of northeastern California.

Maidun, Pujunan
EthnicityMaidu, Konkow, Nisenan
Linguistic classificationPenutian ?
  • Maiduan
Pre-contact distribution of Maiduan languages
Pre-contact distribution of Maiduan languages (California detail map)
Pre-contact distribution of Maiduan languages (California detail map)

Family division

The Maiduan consists of 4 languages:

  1. Maidu (also known as Maidu proper, Northeastern Maidu, Mountain Maidu)
  2. Chico (also known as Valley Maidu)
  3. Konkow (also known as Northwestern Maidu)
  4. Nisenan (also known as Southern Maidu)

The languages have similar sound systems but differ significantly in terms of grammar. They are not mutually intelligible, even though many works often refer to all of the speakers of these languages as Maidu. The Chico dialects are little known due to scanty documentation, so their precise genetic relationship to the other languages probably cannot be determined (Mithun 1999), and in any case may have been not a fourth Maiduan language, but widely divergent dialects of Konkow (Ultan 1967).

Three of the languages went extinct by approximately the year 2000. Konkow was reported to have 3 elderly speakers in 2007.[1]

Genetic relations

Maiduan is often considered in various Penutian phylum proposals. It was one of the original members of California Penutian (the Penutian "core").

See also


  1. Renaissance, Maidu (21 August 2007). "Konkow We'wejbo'sis Project 2007- 2011: Concow Language, Annette De Brotherton". Retrieved 3 June 2018.


На других языках

- [en] Maiduan languages

[es] Lenguas maidu

La maidu (también llamada maidun, maiduan y pujunan) es una pequeña familia de lenguas en peligro de desaparición que se encuentra en el noreste de California, Estados Unidos.

[fr] Langues maiduanes

Les langues maiduanes sont une famille de langues amérindiennes parlées en Californie, au Nord-Est de San Francisco.

[ru] Майдуанские языки

Майдуанские, или майдунские, или пуджунанские языки — малая исчезающая семья индейских языков Северной Америки, была распространена на северо-востоке Калифорнии.

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